Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My 28th Birthday

Well my birthday as most of you know was last month but I felt like I should have blogged about it. Mike and I left Isaac with a great friend over night and we went with 5 other couples to a place called Somoto Canyon that is really close to the Honduras border. It was an amazing birthday and Valentine weekend. There is one thing I think I should share though..

On the way home we had two friends in the car with Mike and I. Some of our best friends here ( Dane and Julie). The roads aren't overly amazing here but they are good in a lot of parts. Mike was driving and we got to a point where we needed to pass a semi-truck. Mike took a pretty big risk by passing this truck and there was another vehicle on the opposite side of the road. We all got pretty freaked out but made it OK. Not but 5 minutes later did we realize that the vehicle that was coming on the opposite side of the road was now behind us and on our tail! We got a little freaked out but not too bad. Everything seemed OK but we didn't know what this driver wanted and why he was now on our tail. Mike slowed down and we wanted to see if he just wanted to look at us and pass? We were pretty confused. So..Mike slowed down and the car came up along side of us and rolled down the passenger side window and...pulled out a GUN! Yes. They waved a pistol at us! The guy motioned for us to pull over ( pointing the gun). Needless to say we were all really freaked out!

So I said a prayer and asked for God's protection. I mean..wouldn't you? Well I did because we really needed His protection over us. He gave it to us too! Mike pulled over and told the guy who was irate that we were terribly sorry. We'd never been on that road before and we didn't realize how dangerous it was. He saw we were scared out of our minds and let us go! You just never know what can happen. Here or anywhere! It really made me think about my life though. I couldn't see Isaac soon enough! I was so thankful God did in fact protect us. The guy could have literally asked anything of us and we would have done it. It's happened before and will happen again. Praise God for safety! It was a weekend I'll never forget. Here are the pictures!

floating down the river

mike's turn :)

standing proud!

mike jumping off a cliff!

dane and julie plus mike and i at a gas station.

Monday, March 2, 2009

International Princess Project

We know a family here in Nicaragua that is highly involved with the girl who started this project. It's amazing and beautiful work and these girls are able to support themselves with out being on the street selling their bodies. Please support them by buying a pair of awesome $30 PJ's.

So cool...