Sunday, May 2, 2010

Has it already been a year?!

Hello blogger world. I fell off the face of the earth for the last year in the world of blogging. My last log in was May 24th! Today is the 2nd of May! What the heck?! OK. Truth be told my computer died a LONG time ago and while living in Nicaragua we decided to wait until coming back to the States to get one. So...this week or next I should be getting a new one. No excuse for not blogging!

Since my last post I'm sure I've done a whole lot of a lot of things but two most important things, 1) Have a beautiful son, Oliver Stephen Elmer born February 2, 2010. He's 3 months today! and 2) Move back to the USA! So now I will have to change my name on here! WOW.

Will post more very soon. I promise, I'll be back and have photos to share.