Wednesday, May 14, 2008

And life begins...

I'm going to go ahead and admit that most of my readers are going to be disappointed that I don't blog more often. I'm not saying that in a pompous way or anything. I used to be so computer savvy and spend way too much time on the computer but I'm afraid those days are over. What's really crazy is that I have the time. Maybe I just lack the desire. Now that Isaac is here I really am going to try to make more of an effort. How does that sound?

So a lot has happened in a month. The eggs hatched and the baby birds flew away already. Not only that but a new Mama bird came in and built a new next right on top of the old one. She had two eggs as well but only one survived. It made me kind of sad to be honest with you. All that to say is that I'm a super slacker. OK, so it's not just that either. It's been 3 weeks and one day since I gave birth to my beautiful son, Isaac Michael Patterson Elmer (I'll be sending out birth announcements soon enough). I'll have to blog about that whole experience too on another blog. Tonight I'm just posting pictures of the baby birds that I'm hoping are still alive. They flew away while my Mom and sister were here and it was something I'll never forget. What I really want to say is that I've seen God's hand in such a mighty way over the last 3 weeks. Through my incredible husband, my loving mother, sister, and in-laws. God is good! I can't wait for you to meet Isaac some day! I can't even tell you how much I love being a mom. Maybe that will be tomorrows post?

truly blessed,

Mama E.